Prayers For Malaysia (28/11/2018)

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. (1 Corinthians 4:2)

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. (Proverbs 21:3)

The federal government of Malaysia would make various monetary allocations for different government ministries, departments and agencies with the underlying aim for the interest of the people and the nation. Therefore these government ministries, departments and agencies should utilize the allocations given to them wisely with full responsibility and integrity.

In view of the above, below are the prayer items we could pray for our nation:-

1) All the government ministries, departments and agencies could wisely utilise the allocations given to them by the federal government with true responsibility and integrity in order for the public to be benefited.

2) There would be no corruption involved in the utilisation of the allocations granted by the federal government to the government ministries, departments and agencies.

教会代祷事项 (07/11/2018)

1. 为着八打灵和双溪龙教会的弟兄姐妹将于10/11/2018的原住民访宣事工里能与当地人有美好的配搭和交流祷告。求主也看顾当天的天气,弟兄姐妹有健康的身心灵来服侍神。
2. 为着本堂的长老执事与理事们的属灵生命祷告,愿神常常更新他们的领命,在教会或生活里愈加依靠神愈加得力。
3. 为着面对逼迫的教会祷告,愿神使我们常常在祷告中记念在患难中的弟兄姐妹,如中国教会的弟兄姐妹。
4. 为23/12/2018的音乐布道会代祷,为讲员雷弟兄、为福音的广传和为自己要邀请到新朋友祈求

Prayers For Malaysia (27/09/2018)

For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. (Romans 13:4)

Authorities are established by God for the purposes of preserving our properties, estates, rights, and liberties, etc… Laws are therefore legislated by the authorities for such purposes and the law enforcers (Royal Malaysia Police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, etc…) are tasked to enforce the laws.

1) Pray that these law enforcers would be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities with great courage and diligence.

2) Pray that these law enforcers would uphold their integrity and would never fall into bribery and corruption.

3) Pray also that these law enforcers would uphold the rule of law and enforce the law within the perimeter allowed by the law.

4) Pray as well that these law enforcers would be able to exercise their duties and responsibilities without fear or favour.

Prayers For Malaysia (08/08/2018)

And I charged your judges at that time, ‘Hear the cases between your brothers, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the alien who is with him. (Deuteronomy 1:16)

1)Pray for the judiciary of Malaysia that various judicial officers in Malaysia could make decisions and directions in regard to the application of the law without fear or favour.

2)Pray also that these judicial officers could be well-versed in the law of Malaysia in order to make correct decisions for cases brought before them.

3)Pray that these judicial officers would have the sense of justice and righteousness  in making decisions for cases brought before them.


Prayers For Malaysia (09/07/2018)

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. (Proverbs 10:9)

1) Pray that the government and those who are holding various positions in administering the country could uphold integrity in administering the country.

2) Pray also that they would shun corruption and would stay away from the greed for money and power.

3) Pray that the people of Malaysia could always be a watchdog to keep the government of Malaysia accountable on how the nation is managed by this government.

Prayers For Malaysia (22/06/2018)

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. (1 Peter 3:8)

1) Pray that the ruling political parties could stay united with each other despite the differences of some of their opinions as this is to ensure that the administration of our nation could be run smoothly and also for the progress of our nation.

2) Pray also that the politicians from various political parties would have the humility to serve the people and they would not be obsessed with the thought on how make to their respective political parties dominant over other political parties.

教会代祷事项 (22/06/2018)

1. 求主为我们预备合适的传道人。也为聘牧委员们合一且有智慧做出决定来祷告。
2. 为着本堂父亲与母亲,以及家中的长者代祷,求主使用他们靠着神的恩典照顾家庭、建立家庭祭坛、将圣经的话语教导在家中的儿女,使他们成为主的门徒。
3. 为着家庭营代祷,求主引导带领这三天两夜的家庭营能够顺利的预备和进行,为着弟兄姐妹的报名参与代祷。

教会代祷事项 (07/06/2018)

1. 求主为我们预备合适的传道人。也为聘牧委员们合一且有智慧做出决定来祷告。
2. 为着我国的经济复苏来代祷,求主赐予新政府能力与智慧来实行。
3. 为着家庭营代祷,求主引导带领这三天两夜的家庭营能够顺利的预备和进行,为着弟兄姐妹的报名参与代祷。

教会代祷事项 (28/05/2018)

1. 求主为我们预备合适的传道人。也为聘牧委员们合一且有智慧做出决定来祷告。
2. 为着我国新上任的部长来代祷,求神赐给他们智慧聪明与公正怜悯的心来施政。
3. 为着教会众弟兄姐妹在每天生活中亲近神,与主建立亲密关系代祷,使我们的灵性天天被主建造,结出圣灵与福音果子。

教会代祷事项 (24/05/2018)

1. 求主为我们预备合适的传道人。也为聘牧委员们合一且有智慧做出决定来祷告。
2. 为着我国新政府在执行新的方案和措施来代祷,求主赐下智慧和能力予执政者。
3. 重建满目疮痍家园是一件长远的过程,求主转化我们的国家,赐下公义、公正、廉洁、繁荣的国家。
4. 我们身为国家的一份子,求主使我们愿意献上我们的所有,并耐心的与全国人民同心合意的重建国家。